Who Can Attend & Introduction to SMART MATERIALS CONGRESS 2020

Welcoming all Leading Engineers, Researchers, Scientists, Students, Professors, Managers and many more from leading Universities and Smart Materials and Nanotechnology Institutions to Smart Materials Conference 2020.

Conference Name
Smart materials Congress 2020
Amsterdam, Netherlands
May 25-26, 2020

Who can attend?

ü  Material science Researchers
ü  Material and metallurgical Engineers
ü  Nanotechnologists
ü  Automobile engineers
ü  Mechanical engineers
ü  Biomedical engineers
ü  Industrial engineers
ü  Aerospace scientists
ü  Chemical engineers
ü  Director of Laboratories
ü  Academic Professors and post-doctoral fellows
ü  Pharmaceutical Companies and Markets
ü  Students from Nanotechnology, Chemical, and Material Engineering
ü  Brand Manufacturers/ Marketers of Consumer Products.


Smart materials also called as intelligent or responsive materials. They are designed materials that have one or more properties that can be significantly changed in a controlled fashion by external stimuli such as stress, moisture, electric or magnetic fields, light, temperature, Ph or chemical compounds causes transformation of their material property. Thus, without any additional stimuli or electronics, changes in property can be encouraged to create sensing devices from these materials. Smart Polymers, a kind of smart material are universally used for some progressive applications. Smart materials technology incorporating piezoelectric transducers was used in the aerospace industry, optical and micro-gravity experiments.

For more Information feel free contact us anytime, we are happy to help you.
Best Regards,
Emily Jackson | Program Manager
Call: +44 20 3936 5566 Ext:7027
WhatsApp: +44 330 808 0342


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